Are you looking for digital marketing solutions that will help your business grow?


Are you struggling to figure out how to improve your website’s search engine ranking?

If so, DSJ Online is here to help! We are leading the way for our clients to win in the digital marketing arena.

Our team of experts know how to optimize your website for Google and other search engines to achieve the results you’re looking for from your campaigns.

The 3 search engine objectives we help our customers succeed in:

Local SEO

    Our local SEO packages are ideal for sites that want to target searchers within their communities and expand to adjacent towns. These packages are affordable and highly effective at increasing our client’s visibility to real local customers. We have delivered successful campaigns for all types of local businesses from local restaurants to construction contractors from health office professionals to garbage collection service companies. When you can’t seem to be found, it hurts the growth of your business.

    Some of the tactics we use to get you found locally:

    ● Website Keyword Optimization – Research the best keywords that convert into real foot traffic at your location and optimize your website for those targets.

    ● Local Citations and Directory Listings – These listings refer to mentions of a business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites. We help to make sure that you are published with the correct business information and services, so you get greater visibility in your local market.

    ● Reviews and Reputation Management – Online reviews play a significant role in local SEO, as they help search engines understand the quality and relevance of a business to potential customers. Encouraging customers to leave positive reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook can help improve your online reputation and visibility in search results. We have solutions that make the process of getting local reviews and monitoring simple and manageable.

    Case Study Local SEO: Solar Industry Client

    Our client launched their new sales office then primarily canvased local neighborhoods on foot to develop potential customers. They approached us to establish a one-page website and to help them rank on search engines as fast as possible for their city. Within 9 months of launching their local SEO campaign their website reached its current rank of #1 on Google for all their top target terms. Their small website has brought in consistent streams of local leads that they have been able to turn into new local solar customers.

    Campaign Results:

    National SEO

    Our National SEO packages are ideal for businesses looking to target a national segment of searchers or a breadth of targeted terms on the internet. When you must compete on the national level it takes an effective SEO campaign team and strategy. The rewards can be a flood of business leads and connections finding your business every day as they are researching your industry, services and products.

    Some of the tactics we use to get your brand established on a national level:

    ● Content Creation and Marketing – Creating high-quality, keyword-rich content and promoting it through various channels is a key component of national SEO. This includes blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos that provide valuable information to potential customers and help establish the website as an authoritative source in its industry.

    ● Inbound Linking – Getting outside sources to link to your beneficial content from reputable websites can significantly improve a website’s visibility and credibility in search engines. Building high-quality backlinks from other authoritative websites in the industry is a critical part of national SEO and helps establish the website as a trusted source of information.

    Case Study National SEO: Health Industry Client

    Before teaming up with our SEO team, their team was spending over $40K+ each month buying leads from 3rd party vendors. They realized it was time to improve both the quality and acquisition cost of leads. Our team employed a strategy for improvements to site stability, speed and technical seo. As well as a keyword strategy that effectively began to gain them prominent visibility for converting keywords.

    Campaign Results:

    Ecommerce SEO

    Our eCommerce SEO packages are ideal for all kinds of online stores who want to generate or increase their online orders/sales and revenue. When you have an ecommerce store you need an SEO team that has the experience to get each of those products found and working for you online. Each category and product is a new keyword topic that can generate leads every day. Also, there are special programs and websites you can utilize to generate free traffic to your store. These technics and opportunities can produce huge results for online sales.

    Some of the tactics we help you get done:

    ● Product & Category Onsite Page Optimization – Get each product page and category page optimized for being found by your potential customers.

    ● Site Structure Optimization – An ecommerce website can have a number of technical issues for search discoverability. we make sure these are corrected so every page can bring in traffic.

    ● Product Platform Publishing and Optimization – There are opportunities to publish products on 3rd party platforms that can get you great visibility and new customers to your site. We help to expand your stores reach with data integrations and site feed connections. We also help to optimize your products to get greater visibility on those platforms.

    Case Study Ecommerce SEO: Clothing Industry Client

    Our customer produces clothing that is shipped all over the world. With a big focus on Europe and North America. Their initial challenge was to optimize a relatively new online store for Google and start increasing organic purchases.

    Campaign Results:

    DSJ Online is here to help your business grow!