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How to Use Testimonials to Market Your Business

Marketing is all about singing the praises of your business and getting your potential customers on board. But what about letting somebody else do the talking? Testimonials are the perfect way to build trust with your prospective customers. Why? Because people trust people. Sure, your business is trustworthy. But it’s one thing for your business to tell everybody about the …

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5 Ways to Maximize Your Social Pages

It’s a digital world, and we’re just living in it. With the potential to reach billions of people, your business can’t afford to NOT be on social media channels. Social media can be a free and easy way to connect with current or potential customers, both by establishing your expertise and by staying top of mind. Make sure you’re making …

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4 Content Marketing Wins for Your Small Business

They say to use what you’ve got. And let us be the first to tell you—you’ve got a LOT going on! Genuine and interesting content is often an untapped marketing source for small businesses because they don’t understand the potential rewards that come by having good content. Content helps small businesses establish authority and expertise in an industry, as well …

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5 Email Marketing Tips to Avoid the Trash Folder

It’s a “subject-line-eat-subject-line” world out there. However, in the midst of a global pandemic, opportunity could be in your favor when it comes to email marketing. That’s because you have a large audience sitting down in front of their computers, snacking away on whatever is left in the cupboard (just me?!), contemplating their next purchases. Studies show that the email …